Saturday, February 4, 2012

January 2012 - The birthday month

I have never been a fan of January. It's dark and the weather gets unpredictable. I think the mood of our nation follows the weather. It's also my birthday, I just turned twenty five so no excuses anymore.

Looking through my images of January I realized what a busy month it had been. And a fun one!

For instance this photo of Siggi Maggi Finns a.k.a. Siggi frændi

No man wants to find a women pointing a camera through his crotch.

 I'm always catching myself photographing my apartment. For instance my cd & book shelf's. I love the colors and details.

 Gunnar Örn Tynes, at Hugleikur's place

 Silla's drink & Robbi's feet

 I also went to the Gogoyoko wireless concert at Kex hostel. The lovely Sóley (above) was playing. She's such a wonderful and talented person. 

So talented that my view the whole concert witch was this

Although the month has been dark there is a settle beauty behind it.


 For instance the tree that shields my balcony and bedroom window and when the sun finally brakes through after a stormy week.

Until next month